Failure To Launch

I’m so sorry! Or, as the say in Canada, Sooory eh?

I have been so busy yeno? Eh, homework I don’t do, the non existant social life… okay… in honesty? I forgot my password, Yep,  I’m a noob! Embrace my noobness ❤

So the awesome plan to move on wih the foolproof 30 day no contact plan? Yeah, I have a confession to make! I HAVE FAILED SO MISERABLY!

8 days into my amazing ignoring marathon of the boy my heart is breaking over and I broke… I didnt just talk to him… I mean that would be almost forgivable! No that would be too simple for me, I being me must fail spectacularly!  I bought him sweets! I actually spent the sum total of 2 euro on the guy… I convinced myself it was a good deed for the day no biggie… I told myself he will be hungry he has no lunch he needs this…my pity got the better of me!

Now, I thought it could be alright, he need not know they were from me! I specified this to the go between friend… but boys being boys he literally said, “These are from *Nancy” Que the awkward thank messages and so I start again… only the next day I get stuck sitting beside him in class… I mean I couldn’t be rude! Yeah okay! I coulda ignored him! Ugh I miss him 😦

Don’t worry I got firm swat across the head and a “DO NOT TALK TO HIM!” From my friend… lesson learned KAY?

The 30 days have started all over again… I’m on day 4…. there are only 26 days left of the school year… yay for a whole summer left to mope in my self pity… blech I can do this!

Next saturday night we party! Next saturday night we forget him and he can miss me… soon this year will be over and we can officially start anew 😀

“School should be the best party in town” – Peter Kline

Until next time,

Nancy Who


The Break Up

So an end of a relationship is never easy right? Wether it’s due to an argument with somebody you thought was your friend over somehing trivial or your partner dumping over a facebook message with the good old,

            “THAT’S IT, WE ARE SO DONE *Insert optional insult here*”

They just aren’t nice especially when there is always somebody who hurts more than the other. In my case we were both equally upset initially but with the help of budweiser and weed he was right as rain in no time. I was left picking up the pieces of our abrupt end. And I’m sure you have guessed by now I was the one who was dumped and I’m not going to lie I am at fault even though I didn’t mean or want to be, I’m the one who is wrong.  Now wih this it also has to be said that I can’t take all the blame what happened was something I couldn’t prevent but things like that don’t matter when somebody feels hurt and betrayed and no amount of explaining and apologising is going to save this… I broke his heart and by doing this I’ve broken my own also.

So you’re wonder why I’m telling you this, right? Well, in about an hour it will be exactly 3 weeks since the event and I’ve learned a few things I think I should take with me into the future.

1. Just because you want to be forgiven doesn’t mean you deserve it, but if they really loved you they will forgive you none the less.

2. TIME! You can’t expect him to take you backmhe is hurting and he needs time to miss you, maybe he’ll realise that you’re worth it maybe he’ll believe you but not yet it’s raw, give him a break. 

3. Even though he is hurting you if you tell him the truth and he doesn’t believe you then maybe it was a troubled relationship anyway… trust is so important! 

4. This might just be what you need, you’re only 17… there will be plenty more dirtbags to break your heart in life… but there will be one who will put it back together piece by piece. I promise you, I could be a man, it could be a woman or a cat or a purple monkeys dinosaur hybrid…. but you’ll find your love somewhere.

Anyway to finish, I want him back but I’ll take my time take everyday as it comes… I’m currently trying the 30 day no contact rule… day 4 and I’m so close failing but I won’t!  I have to do this for the sake of my sanity and everyone around me having to put up with me. XD

You have to live wih yourself for the rest of your life, it’s important not to depend on others for your happiness because they won’t always be there but you will. So smile, and be happy and don’t sweat the small stuff. LIFE IS HARD AND BEING A TEENAGER IS CRAP! But you have me and we’ll do it somehow… I hope… and anyone going through a breakup don’t worry we’ll do it together.  ❤

Nancy Who?


The Beginning

If I’m honest, the internet isn’t really my seen. I mean, I spend countless hours refreshing facebook in the hope that I will suddenly realise that the pile of homework won’t do itself (an epiphany which never seems to come) but other than that I’m a “noob”

Don’t worry, I’m not here to whine about how crap my life is. My parents don’t make me miserable and OMG RUIN MAH LIOFE and I’m not hate people who have lives outside of the internet, which is a popular activity upon the interwebs! I will however occasionally rant about silly things that happen and if the mood takes me I might just slut shame Tay Swift but I’ll keep it to a minimum, I promise!

I might share my opinion on things, but please take it for what it is, MY OPINION, it doesn’t make me right and if you disagree it doesn’t mean you’re wrong so it’s all chill right? We can all chillax and opinion together and whatnot?

Who am I kidding anyway? Nobody will read this and I’ll probably forget the password soon enough but if I don’t is all cool 🙂


I bideth thee goodnight,

Nancy Who?
